Foreign Publishers and Translations

A list of my books, published in other languages. The Heart of the Matter: Love, Information and Transactional Analysis. French Le Pouvoir du Coer. Inter Editions, Paris 2010 Spanish El Corazon del Asunto. Jeder Libros, Sevilla (2011)   Achieving Emotional...

My latest book: Emotional Literacy

Emotional Literacy; Intelligence with a Heart. Personhood Press, 2003 (If you want to buy a hardcover or paper back edition of the original, hard cover 1997 version of the book click here. The original 1997 version of the book is also available in Chinese, Spanish,...

Pleased to Meet You, Hope you Guess my Name; The Inner Critic

* In a lively class discussion, Marge is asked a question by the professor. She is convinced that everyone is smarter and better read than she. She fears that her teacher will find out that she is a fraud and her mind becomes a blank as her whole body is frozen with...

The Emotional Awareness Scale

Since the publication of Daniel Goleman’s book Emotional Intelligence  (1995), emotional intelligence has passed from being a welcome, fresh way of thinking to becoming a number of widely disparate movements. The largest of these movements was a consultant’s “growth...

Lifetime Publications

A list of all my published books and writings. 1962 “’No Exit’ Revisited.” Transactional Analysis Bulletin 1962 No. 04 1966 “Script and Counterscript.” Transactional Analysis Bulletin 1966 No. 18 “Script Analysis Section: Introductory Remarks.” Transactional...
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